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Seniors’ Abuse Hotline


The 24-hours Seniors’ Abuse Helpline is available seven days a week.

The Seniors Abuse Helpline provides confidential, non-judgmental, and short-term crisis intervention, emotional support, and resources to those who are experiencing or concerned about someone else experiencing seniors’ abuse. 

Seniors’ abuse can be defined as being an intentional act or failure to act that causes or creates the risk for harm to an adult 65 years of age or older that occurs within a relationship of trust or dependence. Senior abuse can often take the form of neglect and financial abuse, but will also include physical, sexual, and emotional/psychological abuse of seniors.

Fenne Nelson

Highly trained volunteers connect with and provide support to anyone experiencing seniors’ abuse or those supporting someone who is. 

When you reach out, we will: 

Our Seniors Abuse Help Line provides: 

During times of high demand, it may take a while to connect to a listener. Please stay on the line or try again later.

If you or someone you love is in immediate danger, call 911.

Download Frequently Asked Questions 

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